School Board meetings are the second Monday of each month. Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Please contact the school for more information. School board meeting agendas will be posted prior to each meeting on the announcement board located on the east outer wall of the Resource Center or by clicking on agenda below.

The Utopia ISD Board of Trustees consists of seven trustees serving three-year staggered terms with elections held annually. Election of trustees is at large in accordance with the Texas Education Code (TEC).
Terry Snow, President (Email)
Term expires November 2028
Chad Hillis, Vice President (Email)
Term expires November 2026
Betty Boyce, Secretary (Email)
Term expires November 2026
Bodie Nunn, Board Member (Email)
Term expires November 2028
Sugar Bennett, Board Member (Email)
Term expires November 2026
Chance Dean, Board Member (Email)
Term expires November 2026
Jena Smothers, Board Member (Email)
Term expires November 2028